LoveStories is the brainchild of multi-talented Marloes Hoedeman, who is first and foremost a fashion and interior stylist. Hoedeman began her brand in the hopes of creating beautiful underwear for herself. A combination of high quality products blended with an affordable price. Her biggest inspirations, which guide her creative process, are exploring and travelling the world, filmography and literature.

With LoveStories she appeals to women who are looking for comfortable lingerie that can be styled and worn with ease, diminishing the time-consuming complications of trying hundreds of styles on in pursuit of the discovering the perfect garment. LoveStories will be sold in shops alongside other fashion brands where clientele can also purchase a skirt or a new jumper, creating and completing an entire outfit. As a result, underwear enhances and extends the rest of your wardrobe. “Underwear becomes outerwear” at LoveStories, where striking pieces can also be seen and shown off along with the rest of your outfit.